New Heart Print T-Shirt
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This is the head out to the gym, look at your reflection in the mirror, and slap on two more plates* T-Shirt.
Sometimes, you need a good kick in the ass. For me, it's watching my two sons go to the gym everyday (sometimes twice a day) and run around the house without their shirts on. If I looked like they do, I would run around the house without my shirt on too.
That's visceral motivation, bro.
I saw this quote on the internet a few weeks ago and it stuck. It's helping me get motivated to push and pull a wee bit more this summer so I can take off my shirt (without the help of Tequila), and flex.
*By plates, I mean the 2.5 pounders. It counts! Just a little more weight on the bar every time makes you less weak, which is more strong.
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