Love Conquers All
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Love Conquers All
The undisputed champion of all-time: Love. It’s that time of year when we are all pushed and prodded to add a little love in our lives. For me, it’s just another opportunity to avoid the Valentine candy aisle at HEB. Go on, share a little love this year.
Own Your Magic
There have been times in my life where I felt truly magical. Nothing like hitting a pitching wedge to one foot on hole six at Bandon Dunes. I could have even beaten the pro with that shot…It happened! I swear! We’re all capable of producing magic moments – own yours.
Just Be Awesome
Sometimes when you are stuck trying to give your kid some practical, well thought out life solutions, it’s easy to tell them to Just Be Awesome! Hard test coming up? Just Be Awesome! Big game? Just Be Awesome! Try telling that to yourself before your next big meeting, Just Be Awesome!
Break the Mold
It’s hard to completely change the way something has traditionally been done, but to make a breakthrough, you have to Break the Mold. I remember my Grandmother saying that about a crazy uncle one time, “God broke the mold when he made Eugene.” Indeed.
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