Sharing the Fun
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Ever have a big idea and think, this would look great on a T-shirt? Yeah, me too. I got tired of having all the fun, so I launched PRNTD4U so you can revel in the glory of printing your own ideas.
Sometimes You Gotta Go Low
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Don't get me wrong, I love technology. There's nothing better than the maps feature on your phone when you are traveling in a new city. Beats the hell out of a paper map and having to stop at a pay phone to get directions, but I digress. Sometimes, you just need to go lofi and disconnect from technology. Feel me?
Which Side Are You On?
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Filling a tank with pellets, setting the temperature to 275º and walking away from your "grill" for eight hours is not smoking a brisket. Can I get a Hell Yea? Grilling and smoking meat requires creating a fire with wood and charcoal, tending your pit, delicately balancing the heat, carefully tenderizing your meal, and preferably drinking lots of cold beer along the way.
It's Baseball Season!
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I'll be on the road most of the summer chasing baseball dreams (part two) and sporting my baseball shirts – remember when I told you I'm my best customer? I've created a nice collection of baseball specific shirts like the HIJO shirt that are unique and fun to wear – you should check 'em out
Good Imbibes Only!
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I hope this silly shirt idea brings a smile to your face. That's the whole point of the products I've been creating: I want to make you smile and brighten your day (everso briefly) with thoughtfully designed, on-demand printed swag
No Goals, Just Vibes
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Goals are important, but overrated. Towards the end of 2019 I started making my list of goals for the upcoming year and began thinking about updating my long term goals. I created this habit in college and it had served me well, but it was starting to feel hollow.
Don't You Miss Making Mix Tapes?
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Don't get me wrong, I love Spotify and streaming music, but I miss the days when you could get lost in your music making a mix tape. Do you remember those moments?
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San Antonio, Texas 78232