Happy New Year!
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“Texas militiamen, smelling a fight, were already pouring into Gonzales. There was a lot of yelling back and forth. Some smart-aleck American made a flag with a picture of the cannon and the words “Come and Take It.” Thus was born the Texas T-Shirt industry”.
Chris Tomlinson, Author, Forget the Alamo
It was a little over three years ago that I started a PRNTDxP T-Shirt Shop with my very own "smart-aleck American" comment on Texas History:

I didn’t officially “sell” any of these tees, but I know for certain that there are at least two copies out in the world. By world I mean lost in a dresser or hanging obscurely at a second hand shop somewhere. It was a start of something that has been fun to do. I love t-shirts. They are the perfect piece of clothing!
This year, I will be continuing my attempts to create the most "smart-aleck American" t-shirt design of all-time. It’s shaping up to be a good point in history for some tongue-in-cheek; poke fun at ourselves, humor printed on a t-shirt business. Look for more designs aimed at making you smile in 2024.
Good luck on your journey this year!
I appreciate your business. Cheers!
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San Antonio, Texas 78232