Happy Margarita Day!
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A few years back, I had the pleasure of being the escort and chauffeur for Margarita Sames, the inventor of the Margarita in Mexico in 1948. Legend has it that she made the drink for guests at her Acapulco, Mexico vacation home. One guest, Tommy Hilton (yes that Hilton), brought the drink back and introduced it at his chain of Hilton hotels. And the rest they say is history:
“Margaret (Margarita) Sames created the drink at her Acapulco home in 1948 during a Christmas party. A socialite, Mrs. Sames served the prototype to Nick Hilton, founder of the Hilton Hotel chain; Joseph Drown, who owned the Hotel Bel-Air in Los Angeles; Shelton McHenry, who owned the popular Tail o’ the Cock restaurant in the Los Angeles; as well as actors Fred MacMurry, Lana Turner, and John Wayne. Popularity spread through the stars and famous hotel-restaurant people. Knowing that many people drank tequila preceded by a lick of salt, she garnished her cocktail with a rim of corse salt.”
The history of the Margarita is filled with folklore and steeped in mystery. Who really knows who “invented” the Margarita for certain. Because of my chance encounter, and because she was a sweet lady with great stories, I’m sticking with the Margarita Sames origin narrative. Of course I met the person who invented the Margarita! It was destiny.
If you are interested, here’s Margarita’s Original Recipe:
Margarita Sames’ recipe and tips for making a good Margarita, from a talk show during the 1990’s: “First, you must use a good tequila—one that is authentic, made in Jalisco, Mexico. I prefer a white tequila, not any of this gold stuff. No blenders ever. Shake it or stir the drink in a pitcher. Do not strain. Use Cointreau, not the less expensive and less flavorful Triple Sec. The original Margarita recipe: 3 jiggers tequila, “or you can do 2,” 1 jigger Cointreau and 1 jigger lime juice. Serve over ice cubes, “not those little chips.” “Most people over-salt their Margarita glasses. I take a piece of lime and go all around the rim of the glass with it. Then I put regular kitchen salt on a paper towel. Just put the glass down into the salt and then pick it straight up.”
Finish your week strong. With a Margarita. Cheers.
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