Baseball is Heavy, Man
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Did You Know
That a hitter in baseball has less than half a second to react to a baseball thrown at 90mph? In approximately .45 seconds the hitter has to decide if he’s going to swing, take the pitch, or get the hell out of the way of a projectile that hurts really bad when it hits you.
Yogi Berra said it best when it comes to hitting, “You can’t think and hit at the same time.”
Too Much Thinking
Recently, I was at a baseball game (imagine that), and I got into a discussion about the mental aspects of the game with the venerable Skip Bradley. In particular the topic of thinking too much came up. Skip brought up another famous baseball aphorism that baseball is a game, “played on a five inch field – the space between your ears”.
It's true – more often than not, when a player gets in a funk, it's because they are thinking too much. I was laughing about how incredibly hard it is to hit a baseball with Skip. All he could say was, “baseball is heavy, man”. Indeed, baseball is heavy.
Inspiration Strikes
That was my inspiration for this collection, Baseball Head Case. It’s a departure from my baseball commentary shirts, but I dig the illustrations. The shirts are conceptually heavy, man. Like baseball.
Don’t let the work week drag you down! The weekend is in sight. Finish strong. Cheers!
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